Saturday, 3 February 2018

Grab the Mentor

IP Level 2.3
Grab the Mentor
by Dewi Erita

Several days ago, I went to my hometown. I was planning to collect my working proof from all places that I had ever worked before. In general, there was some changes. Several clinic building were bigger, more rooms, more facilities, and various type of services. Unfortunately, one place was closed. The owner moved to another place and shifted to different way of business. On the other hand, the owner from the last place I had visited said that their clinic are going to transform to hospital in 3 years ahead. Well, I am happy to hear that.
At the end of the day, after I had all the working proof papers, I thought about people I had met along that day. Seeing the change, talking with them, and listening their story made me pause for a moment, asking myself. Why some places are going better? Why that place are still the same? Why another seems to be going down? Why there is only little progress? Why there is great improvement? Why that place survive?
 Despite the fact that fluctuation is normal (of course), I tend to think that there is something which made them different. What is that? 
One of success CEO in Indonesia had ever mentioned about mentoring. He said that one of three things needed for keeping excellent business stamina was continuing mentorship. Entrepreneur learn from the mistakes of senior entrepreneur. Not only about business, but also all aspect of life need mentoring. Bruce Lee is mentored by Ip Man. Oprah Winfrey is mentored by Maya Angelou. Success person have mentor.
Do you have mentor?
I have mentor. I had ever had a mentor in writing club. In the club, all member were divided into three groups that is essay group, poem group, and short story group. I chose essay group. Each group had a meeting and discussion. Then, we were assigned to write an essay. The comment about our essay was not much. Our mentor just said “keep writing and read the book”. I remembered that my friend in poem group got one-word-comment, “bad”. “Bad” means keep writing and read the book. In general, the comment was always “keep writing and read the book”.
I also had been mentored by my friend. We did going abroad project at our third semester at UI. Truthfully, I had never imagined about overseas. For me, It was far away like the distance from earth to the sky (almost impossible). At that time, I just thought that I had to try going abroad even though once in my life. For that, my mentor did many things even the small thing that is checked my answer in the English form and revised it, explained the information, taught how to reply an email in English, and so on. Furthermore, my mentor kept giving encouragement when our proposal for scholarship and sponsorship still did not accepted even rejected (finally, we got both).
Next, I had formal mentorship for my undergraduate thesis. At the beginning, I stucked. After I submitted first chapter thesis, my mentor asked, “What is the purpose of . . . ? Why just the female . . . ? Why you study this . . . ? For what the result of the study . . . ?”. Instead of giving me inspiration, my mentor gave me the questions. As a result, I was perplexed then decided to keep it for a while. Next meeting (after months), mentorship was still the same. After I submitted my thesis paper, then, in short time, my paper was full of handwriting. It is said, “Change this! Delete this! Add this!”. Then, my mentor just said, “Search again as much as possible”. Truthfully, I needed more words and I needed inspiration, but I did not get it. However, I did whatever my mentor said. By the time, I get used to it. At the end of mentorship, I realized two precious things. First, our mentor always provided us time no matter how busy he is. Second, our mentor always encouraged us patiently to understand something by ourselves by saying “Open your book” or  “Not that  . . . Not  . . . Not like that . . . Not . . . ” and it would keep like that until we found the answer by ourselves.
To conclude, everyone need mentoring. Mentor will guide us by informing their perspective and sharing their personal experience, encourage us to solve our problem by giving feedback, and help us building skills and meeting goals. Mentoring is about improved competency, particularly for functional skills and specific interest. So, I think the most important thing is find a mentor!
Depok, February 2nd 2018

(This draft speech has been presented at Plaza Toyota Toastmasters Club Regular Meeting on February 3rd, 2018)