Maternal Health from Ours
by Dewi Erita
status in country can be seen from mortality status, morbidity status, big ten disease,
and nutrition status. One of our concerns is about maternal mortality. Based on
Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) reports in 2007 and 2012, there
is increasing number of maternal mortality ratio, from 228 to 359 death per
live births. Maternal mortality ratio is a number of maternal mortality for one
year per 100.000 live births. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015 is
102 deaths per live births. That goal hasn’t been achieved. So that, there is a
problem in health status in Indonesia.
are many causes of maternal mortality. McCarthy and Maine said that there are
three determinants of maternal mortality. One of them is contextual
determinant. That is knowledge and empowerment of women.
must be simple thing that we can do for tackling the problem. As a student, we
are supposed to study comprehensively. We must be disciplined ourself and work
hard. We should try and do reading and writing activity little by little,
though it is hard.
from our house or room come from our habit to kill flick mosquito. Mosquito is
a vector of disease. One of big ten diseases is caused by Plasmodium sp parasite
and Aedes aegypti virus. Eradicating flick mosquito is able to reduce disease
must plan to breastfeed our baby. Breast milk is best food for baby until 6
months. It will keep baby healthy and give good diet for them. Nursing mothers
has to eat more food than pregnant women. It will keep breast milk available
till 6 months.
maternal mortality problem should be our concern. As a woman, we are supposed
to empower ourself. Health come from ourself, especially women in the case of
maternal and child health. Let’s do it.
Depok, December
16th 2016